¿Quién no conoce al erizo más rápido del mundo de los videojuegos? Good Smile Company nos trae el relanzamiento de la versión Nendoroid de Sonic con motivo de su 20 Aniversario.
Who doesn't know the world's fastest hedgehog video game? Good Smile Company brings us the rerelease of a Nendoroid version of Sonic for its 20th Anniversary.
Una esmeralda del caos (Chaos emerald), los míticos anillos, una caja,varias piezas para recrear poses míticas...No le falta de nada a este Sonic.
Para los nostálgicos diremos que su precio será de 3500 JPY/26,79 € y medirá unos 100 mm. ¿Podrás esperar a Octubre para tenerlo?
It is wonderful as a single figure of a not very large size can norecreate so much of this game we plaied in our childhood and now new generations are discovering.
A chaos emerald , the legendary rings, a item box, several pieces to recreate iconic poses ... not lack anything at this Sonic.
For the nostalgic say that its price is 3500 JPY /26,79 € and measure about 100 mm. Can you wait until October to get it?
ねんどろいど そにっく・ざ・へっじほっぐ
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