Based on an illustration of Taraku Uon we have this figure of Takatsuki Ichika from the anime "Waiting in the summer" that Good Smile Company wanted to share with all of us.
Se ha cuidado con detalle el trabajo realizado por Ken Yokotan para que fuera lo más fiel posible a la ilustración original, dejando ver la madurez de este personaje, a pesar de ser una estudiante de instituto.
Está realizada a escala 1/7 (150 mm) en PVC y su precio será de 9000 JPY/68,32 €, saliendo al mercado en Octubre.
Es un acierto esa peana, nos da la sensación de que nuestra figura está tranquilamente sentada en la alfombra del salón de su casa ¿No os parece?
Care has been taken in detail the work done by Ken Yokotan to be as faithful as possible to the original artwork, showing the maturity of this character, despite being a high school student.
It is made at 1/7 scale (150mm) of PVC and its price is 9000 JPY /68,32 €, coming to market in October.
It is fortunate that base, gives us the feeling that our figure is quietly sitting on the carpet in the living room at home.Don't you think so?
Care has been taken in detail the work done by Ken Yokotan to be as faithful as possible to the original artwork, showing the maturity of this character, despite being a high school student.
It is made at 1/7 scale (150mm) of PVC and its price is 9000 JPY /68,32 €, coming to market in October.
It is fortunate that base, gives us the feeling that our figure is quietly sitting on the carpet in the living room at home.Don't you think so?
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