New figure announced last week from the famous anime One Piece by Megahouse's hand, a replica of his main character Monkey D. Luffy in its line Portrait of Pirates (P.O.P).
Aquí tenemos a Luffy basado en la película Film Z que fue estrenada en el 2012.Viene con dos expresiones faciales distintas, un par de torsos para intercambiar y un brazo izquierdo adicional(en el que sujeta su inseparable sombrero de paja).
Si quieres reservarla pincha aquí.
Here we have Luffy based in the movie Film Z premiered at the 2012.It comes with two different facial expressions, a couple of chests to exchange and additional left arm (which holds his trusty straw hat).
If you want to book click here.
If you want to book click here.
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